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Content and On Page SEO
An Introduction to Content

Now, when we create content, we need to keep in mind that we will be evaluated by Google on both fronts - on one hand, we have to look at the fact that we are satisfying and complying with what Google demands of Adsense marketers, as well as from a ranking perspective, we need to please Google on the SEO front.

Google spiders usually crawl over your site to figure out what your content is based on. However, since your website in this case is driven by Adsense, spiders will crawl your site and figure out what ads are appropriate to your content.

At this stage - I will remind you the essence of what we had in mind when we had said that it is better to go after sets of keywords rather than individual keywords itself. The basic idea behind this was that it is always easier to rank for a group of keywords rather than the individual high paying keywords themselves. Both groups of keywords which we chose i.e. the money keywords as well as traffic keywords need to be kept at an equal priority level whilst creating content. This may sound very unachievable to begin with, but believe me that if you keep these pointers in mind whilst creating your content, there is no reason why you shouldn't be cranking out Adsense money sites in which ever niche you wish! It may take time - but believe me, quality and keyword-targeted content has phenomenal benefits for your site in the long run.

Title Tags

Title tags are basically responsible for a reader's first perception of a website. When you search for anything in Google, the blue coloured headings of each search result is a title tag. If you open one such search result in a browser tab, the little you can see as the heading of that tab is the title tag. The first identity of a website is usually the Title Tag - and this applies for every page/post.

I do not wish to give you too much technical information here but would just want to say that is best to follow your keyword with the domain name. And yes - decide the title tag of any page based on what you primarily want that concerned piece of content to target i.e. traffic keyword or money keyword.

The title tags cannot afford to be filled with useless stuff. They have to be specific and striking. Moreover, there is an upper limit of 70 characters on your title tags. So choose them wisely.

Meta Descriptions

The small description appearing beneath each search engine result is the meta description. The whole idea of being careful whilst writing a meta description is not SEO - but the need to drive only quality, high-converting traffic to your site.

These descriptions should be best thought of as the first impression you can create on your readers in order to drive them to your site - which means, if it is your convincing meta description which has lead that person to click through to your site, chances are that he or she will be a good lead to click on your Ad blocks. Why - because his willingness to respond to your meta description and actually click on your site itself, indicates that he is an interested and involved visitor who is likely to engage with the various elements of your site, and not just click away immediately. That's it - this is exactly want our meta description to do.

For example, using our previous example, we could have something like "Come to XYZ data recovery services at ABC city and get the best deals in town" (Just a random example!)

  • As a thumb rule, try and address any problems or issues which your niche is known to have, in the meta description
  • Keywords obviously need to be present in the meta description
  • 160 - 165 Characters is the optimum length for search engines' love :P

I will just add a final note here that meta descriptions should not be confused as an SEO 'Best Practice' but rather as a quality traffic puller.

Heading Tags

I do not wish to go into extreme detail here as the importance of H1, H2 & H3 tags is clearly reducing gradually, in the eyes of Google.

However, I just want to stress that you should understand the difference between Title tag and heading tags. The heading of a blog post is a heading tag - or to be more specific, the H1 tag. Whereas the Title tag is what the search engines identify your overall page with. Simple.

Example - "Data Recovery Issues on an increasing high - Find out Why.."

Actually I just realised that you may be wondering - why I am stressing on these On Page Elements SO much! Well, to tell you the truth, people who visit your site are not fools. If you do not atleast make an attempt to highlight the fact that money making is not exactly your main purpose with your Adsense website, but sharing quality information is what you are aiming for, only then will you achieve high CTR's. I have particularly seen this happen in case of my latest Adsense websites. The fluidity which is introduced in your content by bringing in this variety in your meta descriptions, title tags, H1 tags etc. makes your content look genuine and now "keyword stuffed" - which is what intelligent visitors will look out for. And once they do feel that this is a marketer's website, sorry but they aren't going to be interested in the rest of your content!

As for H2 & H3 tags, do not SPAM them with the same keywords again and again. This is the only thing I want to suggest - introduce variety here and there and don't stuff the same keywords into heading tags.

Example for H2 could be - "RAID crashes becoming omnipresent?"

Imagine the amount of search engine love you will get as a result of this strategy. I mean -you will be targeting multiple keywords and keyword phrases, in each piece of content. And you will obviously be having a decent number of blog posts as your content in order to justify your "authority site" stature in the eyes of search engines.

Creating Quality Posts & Content - A conceptual understanding

One question that is commonly asked is "What is the difference between a page and a post". At first glance, they look very similar since both are methods in which you can add content/articles to your website.

A page, however, is static. This means the content is set and the page will not "move" from wherever it is built. Also, pages do not have tag or category options like posts do. A third difference is that pages often give you an option to choose a different "page templates".

This option is most often seen in advanced premium themes, which provide separate layout designs for specialty pages, like a photo gallery.

Posts, on the other hand, are typically used for shorter content and "move" in a blog format. To give you an example of this, if your blog is set to show five posts at a time and you have seven articles, you will only see your five most recent posts. The other two posts still exist and have the same URL, but they have"moved" to a second page and you would need to click "view previous posts" (or something similar) to see them again. Posts are often used for targeting secondary or long-tail keywords, as they can be placed in keyword-targeted categories or have additional keyword-related tags added to them.

Tip: Choosing whether to create a post or a page is often a matter of preference. When I need to publish content, I follow this rule of thumb:

  • Information that my visitor will find valuable read (articles, updates, and other forms of premium content) will be published with a post.
  • Necessary information (disclaimers, contact forms), pages I use to generate action (sales pages, opt-in pages, etc), as well as pages that require a specific template (photo galleries, anything needing to be posted on a full-width page without a side bar) will be published with a page.

This does not hold true 100% of the time, but it's a good guide to remember if you're ever unsure as to where to post your information.


I have already explained page creation. You can use the same steps used to create disclaimer pages to create other pages as well, as and when you seem relevant. (I am not providing snapshots here since I have already explained Page Creation)

  • Click the "Posts" tab & click "Add New" to add a new post. Preferably have your articles ready in MS Word files to be copied into the post window. You can type out content directly as well, but I prefer to have my articles ready in advance so as to be a little more organized.
  • Underneath the title, you will see the automatically generated permalink of your URL. Titles of articles and posts can often be long, and I like to simplify my URLs to be as keyword-focused as possible.
  • Click the "Edit" button and type in the new permalink for your URL. As mentioned earlier, permalinks must consist of only lowercase letters and each separate word needs to be separated by a dash.
  • After erasing any extra spaces between the paragraphs, I will save my post as a draft and repeat this process again with two other articles.
  • After we save each post as a draft, click the "Posts" tab to be brought back to the posts dashboard. From there, click on the title of any post (which will be bolded in blue) to open it start editing your article's content.

SEO Tip for Posts: Bolding a keyword phrase, italicizing another keyword phrase or underlining another keyword phrase here & there, are good SEO practices. Do not do the same highlighting again and again - vary it here and there, and even better - vary the actual keywords.

Pictures, graphics, illustrations and images

The first thing I want to mention here is that please name your images also using keywords prior to using them in your content. A name like "16enfhsj.jpg" isn't going to do anything for your SEO!

Name the image using the keyword targeted. Introduce nominal variations in your image names as well. Like "harddriverecoveryl.jpeg" (as per our example) will work wonders for your site.

So what do the Search engines look at exactly? They look at the image name as well as the image alt tag. Alt tag basically means "alternate text" tag - i.e. what should be displayed in the inability to display the picture.

<img alt="Hard Drive Recovery" src=http://www.examplesite/dataservices.jpg >

So basically I have inserted keyword optimized text into both - the alt tag as well as the actual image file. This is as optimized as it can get. The mention of the word "picture" tells the search engine that is the description of an actual image - and the search engines greet such practices warmly.

In the next module, we'll go over a summary of what all we have accomplished thus far:


Source: The Adsense Dragon
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (14.12.2012) W
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