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EDU and GOV links
Okay - I've said this before. No doubt that links from .edu and .gov sites carry a degree of extra importance in the minds of Google, but not to the extent that they should be given SUPER PRIME importance! I mean - Yes there is credibility given to backlinks from these sites, but not of a magical level.

That being said, I do not feel that one should totally undermine their value. After all, in link building, just take action when it comes to building various types of links - do not think too much about which one is more important and which one is less.

Again, keep in mind, the more contextual the links are, the better it is. I have come to a conclusion that it is best to look for .edu or .gov sites where you can create your own blog and then post, or by commenting relevantly on .edu blog

Note: The separate text file I have included also gives you a list of footprints to search for .edu and .gov sites as well. So make sure you go over it.

Source: The Adsense Dragon
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (15.12.2012) W
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