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Step 6: Creating Content
No matter how much effort you put in with your niche research, graphic design, SEO, etc. It will all become useless unless you provide your visitors with right content that they are looking for. When I say content I mean product review that will compel them to buy a product using your affiliate link. Product reviews are backbone of your website. After all you are trying to earn maximum amount of income from your website. Several factor plays into your review website. If your review is mostly a copycat content from a manufacture's website, it will do no good to your visitors and they will end up leaving your site. Other factors such as fonts, important product information, and how well you structure your content plays important role in keeping them engaged in your website. Keep in mind that you are not only writing reviews for your visitors but also for search engines. Yes, writing review for visitors come first over search engines but you still need to keep search engines in focus because most of your traffic will come from them. You have to spend time and energy on your review pages. Rather than sending work to outsourcers you should initially put your effort on writing reviews on your own and test it. Once you properly understand how it all works, you can than outsource your articles to someone who can understand how you want your reviews to be done. Product reviews can drastically affect the way your visitors interact with your website. If done right it can lead to higher affiliate clicks on your page and increase in visitors traffic in long run. It's all about making useful reviews. Once you select a niche you need to become an authority in that niche. Yes, you will learn to write great product reviews but people are also searching for other information. For example, if you someone wants to buy a TV, they would typically would be looking for information such as what type of TV to buy... LCD or LED? What screen size do I need? Which brand should I buy? Etc. So as you can see your visitors are looking for other information that will help them in their buying decisions. You will be spending your time and energy writing reviews, so why not do it the right way the first time. When visitors come to your site they should feel like they are in the right place and give them enough right information they are looking for and that will increase chances of them to click on your affiliate link. Things to Consider for Long Term Success There is no doubt that writing a great product review has a big impact when it comes to conversion rate. But besides that you still need to get your foundation strong before thinking about writing any reviews. Besides writing great reviews two other factors that play important role in your long term success.
What Visitors Do When They Arrive At Your Site? Visitors skim and scan on the page. There eyeball jumps up, down, and side to side. They only stop and look when they see something that interest them. Keep following points in mind when writing a product review:
Review Writing System This is the part where most people get stuck. Writing product reviews is much easier than you think. It's all about breaking it down into simple steps. Writing long blocks of text is simply no fun to your visitors. You need to break it down into subheadings that is useful and easier to digest to your readers. For example, let us look at how we can break it down into smaller pieces using our infant car seat product. - Introduction paragraph - Weight and height limits - Safety - Easy to install - Comfortable - Main Features - Dimensions - Accessories - Pros - Cons - Price (DO NOT put price manually on your site) You should be able to find subheadings just from looking at the product page from manufacturer's site or from Amazon product page. If you have hard time finding subheadings, just look at the bold headings or comparison chart on Amazon product page. You can find some from user reviews that are posted on Amazon. Once you have subheadings listed, you should try to follow same template trough out your entire site. You may find that you have to add more subheadings for some products. And that is fine as long as it's important information to your visitors. Collect Facts You next step is to collect facts. You can do so by visiting various places like: - Manufacturer's site - Amazon product page - Amazon customer page - Blogs or sites related to products Next, you want to read everything about the product on each of those page. When you read and come across something that relates to your subheading, just copy the facts and paste it into the appropriate subheading section. Now double check to see if all facts that you have gathered are in right section of the subheadings. In case if you have missed something, go back and do search just for that subheading. Write the Review You don't want to copy everything that you have gathered so far into your own writing. Instead, you want to rewrite the sentences, so Google don't slap you with penalty. Rewrite one section at a time into short paragraphs. Write product facts and explain why is it so important to them. Tell them all benefits that they can get from the product. Remember, your content should be unique otherwise it's doing no good to you or your visitors. Make Visitors Click on Your Affiliate Link You want your visitors to click on your affiliate link that points them to Amazon site and hope that they will purchase so you can make a commission. I personally add images on all of my product review pages(mostly on top). I also add text link that says 'Click Here For User Reviews' or something of that nature that will trigger them to click on the link. That way they can find more reviews from other users and possible buy the product while they are on Amazon site. My last paragraph would look something like: "The Chico Keyfit 30 is top of the line infant car seat. From easy installation to easy removal, Chico has thoughtfully designed in a way that is worthy of being called one of the best infant car seat maker on the market. You can find more reviews by clicking on Chico Keyfit 30 user reviews." It's not perfect. You can write it in your own way and do testing to see how it works for you. Just make sure that people CLICK your affiliate link. Adding Your Affiliate Link Adding product link is simple. Just log in to your Amazon Associates page and search for a product that you want to link. You can use both image and text links. Since your code is already embedded into your HTML code, all you need to do is copy and paste your code into your article. Make sure to watch FREE WordPress videos first if you don't understand how to add a link text or image on your site. Content Writing Guideline - Keyword in URL () - Keyword in Title - Keyword in H1 heading - Keyword in your first sentence of the article - Keyword in BOLD once in your sentence - Keyword in your last sentence of the article - Keyword linked to Amazon product page once - Add at least one product image that has ALT text containing keyword and linking to Amazon site - Article length about 700 + words - Keyword density (percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on your article page - use SEOPressor plugin) - Keyword once on Meta Title and Meta Description Informational Articles Review posts are good for a specific product that people are searching for. However, visitors also look for more information before buying any product. They have more questions like: Purpose of writing info articles is to make better buying decision. It also makes your visitors feel like that they don't need to look any further. Information posts can be about number of things. It could be about many products in a single post, latest news in your niche, new releases, buying decision articles, or just talk about a specific feature. Info posts can be used to add links to your other pages on your site. So for example, you can add link in your info article that links back to your product page. It's called internal linking. By adding more info posts, your site will grow and may help to be recognized as an authority site. Where To Get Info Article Ideas Just a few ways that can help you get ideas - Write a 'How to choose the best xxxxx' article (replace xxxxx with niche name) - Search on different forums and blogs in your niche - Use tool to find long tail keywords that will help you find tons of ideas Source: Amazon Profit Nitro | |
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