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The 4 W's of Pinning
Who's Pinning?

They are women, about 35-44, heavily from the middle of the United States.

But be careful summarizing your belief about who this demographic is and pinning stuff you imagine housewives from Ohio to like....unless you are a housewife from Ohio, you don't really know. This has to be authentic, or these wise women can sniff it out in a heartbeat.

When Are They Pinning?

Currently there is no formal data available as to what times of day (or days of the week) that Pinterest users are most active.

However, there was a formal study conducted in 2010 by the social media management company Vitrue to determine when Facebook users are most active. The results of that study may be the closest data we have to learning when users might be most active on social media, in general.

The study noted spikes in Facebook usage on weekdays 11am, 3pm & 8pm. (Interesting that those are also the times at work when our energy and focus may crash, so we chat with coworkers or reach for coffee and a cookie.)

It is reasonable to assume that Pinterest pinners are also active during these 11am, 3pm and 8pm times. However, given the demographic, we can also assume that women in their late thirties who pin about home, family, kids craft ideas and recipes may not spend most of their time in an office culture.

Therefore, it is probable that 8pm is a much more active time for Pinterest users; the kiddos have gone to bed, Mommy finally gets to sit down, and she's gonna start playing online.

It is important to know about this active evening time. When a pinner pins or repins an image, that pin is temporarily at the top of all the browse features. This means that when someone logs on, they can see the most recently posted pins. So if you pin your great viral image at 8pm, you are going to have a lot more eyes on it for repins than if you pinned at 5am.

What Are They Pinning?

Trying to find the perfect pin that is going to be a viral hit is not an easy task. Like on YouTube, no one can nail the formula for guaranteed popularity or success. The Bride Dancing Down the Aisle at her Wedding? Charlie Bit my Finger? I mean, who knew?

All you can do is post stuff you like. Images that stir YOU. And if you have a hankering for it, then chances are others will as well.

You will increase those chances, however, as you understand the Pinterest audience. Who are these all important repinners on Pinterest?

There are lots of sources telling us exactly which categories and types of things Pinterest users are pinning most. Popular categories are:

U.S. Audience Interests

Gifts & Special Event Items
Hobbies & Leisure
Interior Design
Fashion Designers & Collections
Blogging Resources & Services


But within each of these categories, it is imperative to understand the motivation behind the appeal of this particular image of a craft idea. This isn't about only about Popsicle stick craft ideas and pretty couches.

Why? Understanding a Pin's Popularity

Women (Pinterest users) want to be stirred. They want to feel that feeling of glimmery joy that flickers upon recognition of something creative. They want to be moved, inspired, and stirred into feelings of admiration and appreciation.

Wow. This concept deserves its own chapter.

Source: Pinterest Traffic
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (23.12.2012) W
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