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Articles and Blogs

As you will know by now, any document can include hyperlinks to any website of your choice. Indeed, it is beneficial to the SEO ranking of your site to include a few, but not too many, internal and external hyperlinks in any blog post or online article.

The first place you should look toward posting online articles is your own site. As discussed in the SEO section of this eBook, the size of your site and the number of pages help to give it a certain amount of rank.

Next, you need to think about what articles can be written that you can link back to your original site. Think about it like this, you are running a business that helps people find work. Part of this includes a CV/Resume writing and editing service. This gives you a great opportunity to develop backlinks by writing articles on writing resumes and CVs.

Before you post your article or blog post, check it carefully. The last thing you want to do is say to readers that your English is poor. Or worse, that you are outsourcing your writing to people in developing countries on the cheap. You need quality content that is either interesting or useful, preferably both.

Once you have one article, it is possible to re-write, re-word and change the angle to develop a number of similar yet different articles. Be careful at this stage as repetition and exact copies are likely to fall foul of search engine spamming filters.

It is possible to post these articles on your website, but this does not grant you a backlink. Instead, you need to develop a fresh directory of article submission sites. Many of these allow you to create a backlinked article. They have varying degrees of editing and submission guidelines. Some, but not all, offer writers a share of income generated through advertising (usually using Google Adsense).

The top ranked article submission sites include:

1. Annotum will launch in May, 2012 and replaces Google Knol as a source of academic articles.
2. Squidoo allows users to build lenses of particular knowledge that you can send back to your website.
3. Hubpages acts in a similar fashion, but you can link your hubs to your personal or corporate adsense account or product links without cluttering up your personal web space.
4. EzineArticles allows you to post quality content and link back to your personal site.
5. Examiner is a site allowing users to post news articles on specific subjects. This is a good way to post news articles about your own business.
6. Technorati is similar, but concentrates on technology and business.
7. ArticleBase is a directory for articles. This is a simple means of creating backlinks.

If you have the time and patience, you can create articles, spin them into new forms and post them to sites such as those mentioned above. It is possible that they will generate you small amounts of money, but the primary motive should be recognition and backlinks. It is possible to hire workers to write and spin articles on your behalf for as little as $1 per article depending on your quality requirements.

Source: Expert SEO & Backlinking
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (06.12.2012) W
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