Chapter 10: Using Words That Sell
When it comes to writing pages of copy designed to keep a customer reading, one of the best techniques is to include the known power words; those that are most likely to greatly improve customer response. These words and phrases quickly convey information, action, and images, making it easier to write an exciting letter. - Here’ a list of the most used of these ‘magic’ words and phrases:
♦ Free ♦ Bargain ♦ Now ♦ Improved ♦ Introducing ♦ Just Arrived ♦ Save ♦ Break Through ♦ Send No Money ♦ Bonus ♦ Gift ♦ Valuable ♦ Priority ♦ Unique ♦ Rush ♦ The truth about... ♦ You ♦ Miracle ♦ Easy ♦ Hurry ♦ Today ♦ How to... ♦ At last ♦ Limited ♦ Opportunity ♦ Yes ♦ Charter ♦ secrets ♦ New ♦ Amazing ♦ Only chance ♦ Announcing ♦ Revolutionary ♦ Guaranteed ♦ Discount ♦ First time ever ♦ special ♦ instantly ♦ Discover ♦ Forever ♦ Premium ♦ Sensationa ♦ Remarkable ♦ Revolutionary ♦ startling ♦ Miracle ♦ Magic ♦ offer ♦ Quick ♦ Easy ♦ Wanted ♦ challenge ♦ compare ♦ Bargain ♦ Hurry - Some tried but true phrases asking for action...
♦ Write today ♦ Do it now ♦ supply limited ♦ Answer by_ ♦ call today ♦ Don’t delay ♦ This is a very limited offer ♦ Supplies are limited ♦ Once they are gone, they will be gone forever! - Tip: Watch puff words... like ‘finest,’ ‘incredible,’ ‘best,’ ‘greatest,’ and ‘fabulous.’ Instead use specific words that don’t sound like you are exaggerating.
Source: 301 Direct Mail Tips, Techniques & Secrets |
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (04.12.2012)
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