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First Step in Securing Interested “Clients”
I did not want to get into a complicated contract - with most services that I provide I do not really produce complicated contracts, and many times, I do not have contracts at all. I shape the deals to where I am generally protected to begin with, and in the areas that I am a bit open, I base my actions on trust. I always believed that contracts were important if I had an intention of taking my clients to small claims court if things went bad, and honestly, I do not have a desire to take my clients to court. The other purpose contracts serve for me is to clarify what the deal is, and that can be easily served in an easy to read letter of acknowledgement.

Please refer to the template that I included in this package to see the letter that I send to my clients. As you can see, it is fairly simple, and that is by design. I do not think it needs to be overly complicated, especially since the client can cancel at any time.

Go To Acknowledgement Template

You will also notice that I charge a very small fee to get started. It takes me literally 20-30 minutes to get the books up onto using my Step-By-Step formula.

Go To Kindle Step-By-Step

Once you have sent acknowledgement letter and the client has sent you their content and the $20 to process, go ahead and get their book up, and send them a letter acknowledging that you have their content and their payment and that the process has started.

Go To Content Acknowledgement

I typically use the $20 to order cards on Vista Print that basically has the author name and a link to their Amazon title. Anytime I give an Amazon link out, I give them an affiliate link from my Amazon Associates account. I do tell my clients that if they want, they can set up an Amazon Associates account and make an extra .20 or so per title that they sell, however in my experience, they rarely do.

Once the book is published, I send them the final letter letting them know that the book is live.

Go To Publishing Acknowledgement

Now that the book is in your Kindle library, all you have to do is respond to any questions they may have, and evaluate the royalties every quarter. In my experience, clients have appreciated the service and have been happy to work with the way I have structured this process to fit my rhythm and how I can best execute the tasks. Also, I have had lots of word of mouth on this service as my clients end up getting me referrals for other people that want to do the same thing and I just start the process all over again with them.

The following section goes into details on how to set up a legitimate company so that you can present a professional image to your clients, as well as enjoy the perks of owning a real business.

In my experience, having the foundation of a business in place always directly affects how successful I have been - some of these things may seem unrelated, however when people see that you are a real business, it offsets an understanding that you are serious about your work and that you are not "fly by night” ... I think it is very advisable to set these items up, especially when you are looking at getting referrals and having word-of-mouth travel about your services.

So this part of the guide has been designed to provide aspiring businesses to a step-by-step with resources that I have used in the past in either my own business or in my process of helping other businesses get on their feet and become self-sustainable. If your business is currently just a vision, you likely have some roadblocks in actually making money because you may not have the basic business tools in place. I would like to show you how you can get the basic tools in place easily and cheaply. The idea is to legitimize your business and your practice by spending the least amount of money possible so that you can begin making some money.

You do not need to follow these steps before you start gaining clients ... but they should be done along the way as your business and practice grows.

Source: Content Machine
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (05.12.2012) W
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