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Vertical Search Targeting/Inclusion
If this sounds new to you, don’t worry: it’s not complicated at all. Think of general search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing as horizontal - they are broad. Now, a vertical search engine is one that is narrow and focused on a specific niche, interest or topic.

For example, there are search engines for veterinarians, doctors, patients, job seekers, house hunters, recruiters, travelers, etc.

While vertical search engines are smaller, they attract pre-qualified traffic, the kind that already knows what they are looking for. They already broadcast their intent by coming to the site. For example, if a person visits, you know that the person is most likely looking for a job!

In other words, there is specialized intent and there is a focused audience. It is in these vertical search engines where you will have to make sure that you are found, because it can lead to spectacular traffic growth.

The biggest benefit of vertical search targeting and inclusion is being immune to Google’s algorithm changes! After all that’s the main point of Google Piranha — to make your site Google proof but being Google friendly just the same.

Examples of vertical search engines are:

How do you make it to a vertical search engine?

Organic Inclusion: Some vertical search engines accept data feeds, often for free. To make the most out of your data feeds, make sure they are accurate and all information is complete.
Paid Inclusion

Before attempting to join a vertical search engine, it is recommended to check first if it’s worth your time and effort by checking the site’s traffic stats. You can go to and to see if they’re getting considerable traffic.

Source: Google Piranha
Category: My articles | Added by: Marsipan (07.12.2012) W
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