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Incomizer is based on a very simple philosophy ‘Do the least amount of work necessary, to make the most amount of money possible’.
Too many people are stuggling to make money online because they have a very narrow minded view. If they are still working in a JOB, then they can’t see the posibilities that lie beyond. If they have already started dabbling in Internet Marketing then many spend their time like magpies chasing ‘shiny objects’.
If they are Internet Marketers that have become a little bit more established then they are stuck in the great ‘Traffic paradox’. They are so consumed by the need for traffic that they over look some critical fundamentals that need to be in place before traffic is even considered.
Regardless what level you are at, the single most important consideration is ‘the system’. A system is defined as ‘A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.’
From an Internet Marketing perspective there are numerous ‘systems’ that the majority of Internet Marketers focus on:
These include:
• Blogging and Authority Sites
• Single Sale Product Launches e.g. eBook, WordPress Plugins
• Membership Sites
• Cost Per Action CPA
• Google Adsense Sites on CPC Model
• Sniper Sites / Review Sites
• Affiliate Marketing
• Website Flipping
• Offline Marketing
• Social Media Consulting
Done correctly all of these are viable from a moneymaking perspective, but a very specific combination is required to fit our philosophy of ‘maximum return, minimum effort’.
Too many Internet Marketer’s dabble in one or two different systems without any game plan. They may have heard from a ‘reputable marketer’ that ‘blogging’ is the way to go or that they should focus on ‘affiliate marketing’. The problem however is that they don’t know where these systems fit in the context of Internet Business Models.
You need to start with the business model that suits your needs, and then pick a system from within that business model, not the other way around.
You need to realize that writing an eBook, building a membership site, or doing CPA are but a tiny fraction of the possibilities that are open to you.
Too many Internet Marketers have a narrow mindset. They are all focused on one tiny area be that Kindle Books or Review Sites. As a result some of these ‘system’ are extremely competitive, and just not as lucrative as other systems.
In order to broaden your horizons, I’m now going to delve into the different type of business models that exist when it comes to making money online. I’ll be dropping the names of some Big Brands that are dominating those models, but don’t let that put you off. Huge opportunities exist for different spin offs, complimentary services or even direct competitors offering a new tweak.
I will then move onto two Business Models that I believe you should focus your efforts on in order to benefit from our philosophy of ‘maximum return, minimum effort’.
So lets get started!